Our dividing fence was finally replaced at the end of November. We had tried to prop up the lose panels in various ways but we had a series of strong winds over the month that resulted in them disintegrating even further. Once the work had started, the chap who was doing the work for us said that the posts were still good apart from the parts that had rotted underground and suggested that we reuse them. The rotten pieces were sawn off and the posts placed in metal fence post spikes. They shouldn't rot so easily and the fence will be easier to maintain. Unfortunately, three of the panels were irredeemable and had to be replaced.

On the opposite side a series of frosts resulted in the end of the squash plants and the remaining runner beans. The brussels are doing well, though.

And the garlic finally arrived. Last year, I carefully labelled their positions with name of the variety but when I came to harvest them the labels had vanished! This year, as well as placing labels in the ground, I have kept a note of what has gone where.

A bonus crop of volunteer potatoes found whilst turning over the compost heap. There may be a few more lurking around the edges.
And finally for this some month, some reading matter for the dark winter evenings. The Minimalist Gardener by Patrick Whitefield is a collection of articles on permaculture and growing fruit and veg, including tips and advice for small urban gardens. See
The Minimalist Gardener for further details.
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