Friday, 1 February 2019

January 2019 harvest summary

Weight 1.179 kg

Salad leaves: £1.50 
Herbs: £2
Total for main garden crops: £5.25

Garden produce price: £8.75


Garden crops

Weight g

Shop price

Brussels sprouts570£1.71
Cabbage/brassica leaves404£1.01
Swiss chard59£0.50
Pea shoots57£1.14
Curly kale 29£0.29

November and December 2018 in pictures

There have been a few heavy frosts during the latter part of November and some of December, but in general the weather has been surprisingly mild for the time of  year. 

Brassicas are doing well, including the Brussels sprouts, cabbages and broccoli - and there are even some self sown plants popping up around the garden (brassicas and Swiss chard). I don't normally pull up the cabbage and broccoli plants when I harvest them but leave them to grow spring greens from side shoots. I also sometimes let one or two Swiss chard plants go to seed. It is only when I need the space to plant out seedlings or sow crops that I remove the whole plant.

The radicchio plants are lasting well with frequent cutting and the few parsnips that did germinate this year gave us some huge roots and more than enough for our Christmas dinner and meals into the New Year. 
We've netted over some of the areas not primarily to protect the plants against frost but to stop the pigeons nibbling the plants. Even the plants in the raised beds next to the kitchen and bathroom extension are not immune!